Announcing… Season 2! (QuakerSpeak Lives On!)

Dear Friends,

It’s been a big three months! Since I wrote my last post about the YouTube Channel that I work on, and how I’ve been working with Friends Journal to find the resources needed to create a second season, I have heard from so many of you about how the project has touched you or your Meeting. Thank you for those beautiful and inspiring messages, and thank you to everyone who ordered a DVD and/or contributed to a Season 2!

I continue to feel that this is Spirit-led work, and your messages have helped to affirm that I am being well-used.

So now, thanks to your support, and thanks to two new partnerships with Quaker organizations who are out in the world doing important work (FCNL and AFSC), I am pleased to report that there will be a Season 2 of QuakerSpeak!!!

…and it is almost upon us! This Thursday, tune in to our YouTube channel for the first video of Season 2 and subscribe to get a new QuakerSpeak video in your inbox every Thursday for the next 9 months!

As always, you can find our most popular videos here and search through our archives here.

Thank you, congratulations, and go team! Now back to work in the editing room! See you Thursday!! 🙂



    1. Thanks! That would represent 1/38th of the message having sunk in, but on the internet you’ve gotta cast a lot of lines I suppose! 🙂

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