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Will You Help Me Build the Future of Quaker Online Media?

Dear Friends,

For the past nearly 3 years I have been sharing my discernment process about what is next after I left Friends Journal and QuakerSpeak in 2019. Through times of not knowing, and a global pandemic, I have held faith that we each have a role to play in forming the kingdom of heaven on Earth if only we would listen. Last November, I shared with you that I have found clarity on my next project: building a future for Quakers and online media through a startup nonprofit called Thee Quaker Project.

We in the Religious Society of Friends know that we are living through tumultuous, precarious times—and underlying that precarity is a spiritual crisis. Our spiritual ancestors did not shy away from new communication technology to address the problems of their day. In fact, Early Quakers saw the printing press as an opportunity to extend their ministries beyond the walls of their meetinghouses.

Now, I’m asking Friends to join me in envisioning a new future for the Religious Society of Friends: one in which we see the internet as an extension of our faithfulness, and an opportunity to spiritually equip the next generation of powerful, courageous Quakers.

I hope that you will consider joining me in devoting our time and resources to this powerful vision for the future.

Please visit TheeQuaker.org/support.

Thank you.

Jon Watts

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