Jon Watts is a Quaker songwriter and media creator. He has been called a “spiritual entrepreneur”. As a songwriter, Jon toured the world sharing stories of the Early Friends and his own spiritual journey growing up in a Quaker intentional community and attending the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College.

Jon’s unique success promoting his music in the early days of Youtube led him to found the QuakerSpeak video project in 2014, for which he spent six years traveling, interviewing Friends, and publishing a video every week.

In 2021, Jon embarked on a new journey: envisioning a future for Friends and online media. The resulting startup organization, Thee Quaker Project aims to bring Quakerism into the internet age.

Explore Jon’s Projects:

Explore stories of spiritual courage with your hosts Jon Watts and Georgia Sparling. A weekly Quaker podcast. Listen here.

Nourish your spiritual journey with daily Quaker wisdom. Sign up to get the daily Quaker in your inbox!

Jon’s seminal 2011 album about Quakers and nakedness. Listen.

Jon designed, founded, and directed the QuakerSpeak video project in 2014 to build a Quaker presence on Youtube. The project now has over 5 million views. Learn more.

Jon’s senior project for the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program in 2006. Listen here.

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Blog Posts

Can Self-Promotion Be Spirit-Led?

Can Self-Promotion Be Spirit-Led?

When I first received the call to do this work, my core values were offended. Hadn’t I already rejected the part of myself that strives for public attention? I was so attached to my humbleness that I refused to “self-promote”. Ironically, it was my pride and self-will that got in the way of my calling to publicize this ministry.

Stop Robbing Us of Your Gifts.

Stop Robbing Us of Your Gifts.

But here is my point: we spend too much of our lives feeling insignificant, feeling not-powerful, waiting for someone to tell us that its okay to use our voice now.
Stop waiting for cultural credentials to write your book. Write it now. Stop holding back from singing in the streets. Stop waiting for an “appropriate” message to stand up with in Meeting for Worship. Stop robbing us of your gifts.

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